Chopped Turkey Crunch Bowl

turkey, salad, healthy

Welcome to another edition of “Clean Out the Fridge” As a Meal Plan, Otherwise Known as: What the F* to do with those Thanksgiving leftovers when you’re sick of turkey sandwiches. Ingredients List From the Fridge: 1 Head of cauliflower I forgot to use in the appetizer crudite platter 3C Red Cabbage – Its Mr….

Fancy Dress Codes, Decoded

red, feathers, fashion, style, low back

Dress codes can help you feel more comfortable as an event, along with setting the tone for your day or evening. But have you ever struggled to decipher what each dress code actually means? From black tie to smart casual and daytime attire, dress codes can be a little confusing if you’re not entirely familiar…

The Secrets of the Sartorial Pick-Me-Up

Yes, you can and should improve your life through your sartorial philosophy, even if you aren’t a fashionista. Sar-Tor-What Now?? Sartorial, definitively, literally means “of or relating to clothes” It’s easy to uncover the root of sartorial. Just strip off the suffix -ial and you discover the Latin noun sartor, meaning “tailor” (literally, “one who patches or mends”). Sartorial splendor has…

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